Peering out of the Ergo, you make a very cute housework companion.
Your latest obsession: a mixing bowl and spoon. Forget about all of the wonderful gifts your family gave you for Christmas - for now, this is what it's all about.
I guess it was always a given that you'd love music, but I still wonder at the way you settle when one of us sings or plays the piano. In addition to this calming influence, though, you are utterly intrigued by sound. You are so, so like your dad.
Right now, we are all very, very tired. For the last two weeks you've been waking through the night every two or three hours, wanting a feed. It is no coincidence that for the last two weeks I've been away working - just for a couple of hours a day, but clearly enough for it to impact upon you.
Now that this lot of work has finished, I can spend more time with you in the day and you will hopefully feel secure enough at night, so that we can all get some rest.